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Green Homes Grant

Ever since the introduction of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) back in 2007, the energy efficiency of homes has been a high priority in the minds of homebuyers. Increasing fuel costs, climate change and an all-round awareness of the environment have contributed to a shared responsibility around energy use to minimise our carbon footprint and effect on the planet.…

Cleaning Up

How do you feel about messy people? Not just tenants, but anyone who simply isn't very tidy. Do they make you shudder, or are you completely unphased? Maybe you're a huge fan of Marie Kondo and her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It might have inspired you to live a life free of clutter, or perhaps you find it all a bit sterile and take comfort in knick-knacks and keepsakes.…

Should I Accept

Great news! Someone wants to buy your home, and perhaps you've even received more than one offer. You've made the step from being available to being in demand, and now it's time to decide whether an offer is a good one – and the right one – for you. An offer is so much more than the price put forward. It can be tempting to simply go for the highest number, but it's extremely wise to look at the full picture of every offer you receive to ensure it has the best chance of going through, and in the timeframe that fits your plans.…

Happy Together

As strong as the bonds of any marriage or partnership, our relationship to where we live can take a similar path and have a profound impact on our lives. Having found our perfect match, we look forward to the excitement of living together, making a home and creating memories to look back on with fond delight.…

Asking Too Much

The market is booming, prices are rising, there's a stamp duty holiday and buyers are out in droves: could it be any more of a seller's market? And it's true: we are achieving record prices for property; multiple offers have become the norm and, for many sellers, their home is only available for a matter of days before they receive an offer that is not only acceptable, but more than they dreamed possible…

Before the Fall

There's no escaping it: summer is on the way out, and autumn is around the corner. The nights are longer, the weather is cooler, and evenings on the patio mean hoodies, blankets and socks. As the season changes, there are some checks you can make – and some opportunities to take – in getting your rental property ready for when the temperatures fall, the rains return and your tenants spend more time indoors.…

Golden Days

With a unique set of circumstances and incentives, there has never been an autumn like 2020 with so many opportunities and advantages for selling your home. From the pent-up demand unleashed after lockdown, to the Stamp Duty Holiday announced in July, to the working-from-home phenomenon freeing up more people to view property in the week, it’s very unlikely that such a seasonal combination will ever exist again, which makes it an excellent time to put your plans for moving into action.…

Eviction Ban

With the Government’s last minute extension of the eviction ban on August 21st, we cancelled our blog on the subject that week because, even with the announcement, it felt like there was so much uncertainty around how events would eventually pan out. Even now, it's possible the ban will be extended further and render this article out-of-date fairly soon, but we thought we could at least provide some reasoned commentary on the current state of play and offer some advice where possible.…